Piatra Craiului Monastery Museum

Muzeul Manastirii Piatra Craiului, cu o cladire acoperita de zapada, incadrata intr-un peisaj montan, ce emana liniste si spiritualitate.

Address: Bucea Village, Negreni Commune

Phone: (004) 0722-823.300 

Web: www.manastireapiatracraiului.ro/

An ethnographic exhibition space was set up in the premises belonging to the Monastery of St. Ioan Jacob from Hozeva in Bucea village. The basic exhibition is composed of elements specific to the Romanian community from the villages surrounding the Piatra Craiului massif: traditional carpets, fabrics, elements of traditional techniques used to make the fabrics.

The Xylography Museum

Imaginea prezintă detalii din exteriorul Muzeului de Xilogravură din Hășdate, cu elemente tradiționale din lemn sculptat expuse

Address: Principală Street, no. 52, Hășdate, Gherla

Phone: (004) 0766-241.181 

E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Web: www.muzeuldexilogravura.ro/xilogravuranoua.html

The Hășdate area was one of the areas where, in the medieval period, the craft of wood engraving developed. The first woodcuts known and preserved in the Hășdate area are dated 1787. The first artifact of this type is signed by the craftsman Gheorghe Pop from Hășdate, who came from a family that had come to the area in the 16th century from Moldova.

The museum is made by one of the descendants of the Pop family who brought this craft to the Hășdate area out of the desire to bring back to the community’s attention the popular artistic phenomenon that was specific to the area in the 18th century.

The Mill Museum

Moara de apa Bologa, o constructie traditionala din lemn, situata intr-un cadru natural pitoresc, unde mecanismul hidraulic transforma energia apei in miscare

Address: Bologa Village, Poieni Commune

Phone: (004) 0740-161.782

E-mail: [email protected] 

Web: www.facebook.com/moaradeapabologa

In the Bologa village, a few km from Road E60, which connects Cluj-Napoca and Oradea, we find one of the monuments of traditional rural architecture in Transylvania: the Bologa Watermill. This mill is kept in the backyard of some locals and is in perfect working order, representing a true open-air museum piece.

Visitors can observe the functionality of a mill, which is still used today for washing traditional upholstery elements. In the main room of the mill, a collection of objects specific to the local Romanian community from the mountain area of ​​Cluj county was arranged.

Constantin Prezan Museum

un exponat din Muzeul Constantin Prezan, care reflecta mostenirea istorica si militara a marelui strateg, fiind dedicat pastrarii memoriei sale si a artefactelor sale.

Address: Ștefan cel Mare Square, no. 1-3, Cluj-Napoca

Phone: (004) 0264-596.981

Web: www.muzeulmilitar.ro/cluj-napoca/expozitii/

Schedule: Monday-Friday 10:00-17:00

The permanent exhibition of the «Marshal Constantin Prezan» Military Museum, the «Transylvania» Branch of the «King Ferdinand I» National Military Museum, presents the history of the Transylvania region and its military evolution from antiquity, the Middle Ages and the modern period to the present day. The collection totals over 300 heritage objects and photo panels, four rooms being dedicated to the activity of the 4th «Gemina» Infantry Division and its missions in the international theaters of operations.

Also highlighted are the personalities of Marshal Constantin Prezan, the first commander of the 4th (Northern) Army in 1916 and of Generals Gheorghe Avramescu and Nicolae Dascălescu, both commanders of the same Army Corps in the Second World War.

For the hall dedicated to the ancient period, the Museum’s specialists collaborated with those of the National Museum of Transylvania in Cluj-Napoca regarding the theme of ideas and objects.

Moldovenești Village Museum

Imaginea prezintă o casă tradițională din cadrul Muzeului Satului Moldovenești, cu o arhitectură specifică zonei, având acoperiș din țiglă și verandă din lemn

Address: Moldovenești commune

Phone: (004) 0364-801.900 

E-mail: moldoveneș[email protected]

Web: www.primariamoldovenesti.ro/Muzeul-satului-Moldovenesti

In the Moldovenești commune, a few km from Turda, the local community decided to open a museum that would present the main values ​​of a traditional household. The exhibition space is organized in a traditional house, the building being one of the oldest in the village, built in 1823 according to the inscription at the entrance to the cellar. The house was bought by the Local Council and turned into a museum of the Moldovenești village. It was inaugurated in the summer of 2019, hosting a collection of traditional objects, specific to life in the area, objects donated by locals.

Viișoara Village Museum

o expozitie din Muzeul Satului Viișoara, care surprinde un interior tradițional românesc, cu piese de mobilier, țesături și obiecte de artizanat

Address: Primăverii Street, no. 50, Viișoara

Phone: (004) 0264-327.560, (004) 0264-327.601

E-mail: [email protected] 

Schedule: Monday – Friday: prior appointment

 In the Viișoara commune, near the city of Câmpia Turzii, the local public authority set up a small museum point, inaugurated in 2016 in the building where the first Romanian school operated at the beginning of the 20th century. The heritage objects were donated by the inhabitants of the area, most of them being used in peasant households from the end of the 9th century and the beginning of the 20th century.

Starting from 2022, the museum has an ethnographic section in the Urca village, within the Cultural Home of this village.

Andrei Bojor Museum Complex

Address: Mureșenii de Câmpie, Palatca Commune 

Phone: (004) 0742-318.599

E-mail: [email protected]

Web: www.muzeulrefugiatilor.eu/

The Museum Complex seeks to bring back into attention the memory of the traditional Transylvanian village, by what it is recognized for: space, culture, time, traditions and crafts. This is a National Refugee Museum and it wants to be an emblematic national cultural unit, which, being focused on the Romanian refugee, aims to define this episode of national history, both from a historical and social point of view. The building has in its composition several rooms including a large exhibition hall equipped for the organization of certain actions such as: colloquiums, symposia, scientific communication sessions, or various meetings of the National Federation of Refugees and an office also used as a room for documentation. The building has a 60 m.p. esplanade in front which allows the organization of larger outdoor actions.

Gherla Memorial

sigla Memorialului Gherla, un loc dedicat comemorarii victimelor regimului comunist, simbolizand suferinta si amintirea celor care au fost incarcerati aici.

Address: Cărămizii Street, no. 2A, Gherla

Phone: (004) 0723-360.582

E-mail: [email protected] 

Web: www.memorialulgherla.ro


On the map of the Romanian Gulag, Gherla is one of the prominent places. Thousands of people, including personalities of the interwar Romanian elite, were imprisoned, and some of them lost their lives in the Gherla prison.

To honor the memory of those who suffered in Gherla during the period of political detention, ÎPS Father Archbishop and Metropolitan Andrei took the initiative to build a memorial. In this regard, the Gherla Memorial Association and the Holy 40 Martyrs Monastery were established to include the memorial complex. It is built on Cărămidăriei Hill near the city of Gherla, in the area where there was a mass grave where those who lost their lives in prison were thrown.

USAMV Aquarium Complex

sigla Universitatii de Stiinte Agricole si Medicina Veterinara (USAMV) Cluj-Napoca, unde se afla Complexul Acvaristic, un spatiu educational dedicat studiului vietii acvatic

Address: Calea Mănăștur Street, no. 3-5, Cluj-Napoca

Phone: (004) 0264-596.384, (004) 0740-393.640

E-mail: [email protected]

Web: www.usamvcluj.ro/universitatea/gradina-botanica/acvariu/

Schedule: Tuesday-Friday 10:00-16:00

The permanent exhibition presents various creatures representative of wetlands and aquatic environments, as well as aquariums with over 70 species of fish, amphibians and plants, both from Romania and from different geographical areas of the world. The central aquarium, with a volume of 20,000 liters, houses fish species of considerable size found in the natural waters of Romania, including rare and protected species such as sturgeons, as well as cultured fish species, such as planktonophagous fish and carp of various breeds. The small exotic fish in the collection stand out for their abundance, color and behavior, populating a number of 15 aquariums with volumes between 200 and 2,000 liters.

Alexandru Duma Museum

Muzeului Alexandru Duma, cu o arhitectura moderna si geamuri mari albastre. Situata in Cluj-Napoca, aceasta cladire gazduieste expozitii si evenimente dedicate culturii

Address: Calea Moților Street, no. 11, Cluj-Napoca

Phone: (004) 0751-416.007

E-mail: [email protected]

Schedule: Monday: 13:00 – 18:00

                   Tuesday – Thursday: 09:00 – 14:00

Alexandru Duma is considered an important personality of the Baia Mare painting school. The museum that bears his name was inaugurated during the events that marked the UBB centenary. The museum presents the works made by the artist while he was a soldier in the Austro-Hungarian army during the First World War. The notebooks that remained from the artist have both a documentary and an artistic value. Here you can discover, in the exhibited drawings, various aspects of military life – from the daily events behind the war front, to the more or less tense moments in the trenches or in the hospital. Likewise, one can experience the atmosphere of the Great War through a VR film included in the museum’s permanent exhibition.