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Imaginea prezintă o casă tradițională din cadrul Muzeului Satului Moldovenești, cu o arhitectură specifică zonei, având acoperiș din țiglă și verandă din lemn

Moldovenești Village Museum

Address: Moldovenești commune

Phone: (004) 0364-801.900 

E-mail: moldoveneș[email protected]


In the Moldovenești commune, a few km from Turda, the local community decided to open a museum that would present the main values ​​of a traditional household. The exhibition space is organized in a traditional house, the building being one of the oldest in the village, built in 1823 according to the inscription at the entrance to the cellar. The house was bought by the Local Council and turned into a museum of the Moldovenești village. It was inaugurated in the summer of 2019, hosting a collection of traditional objects, specific to life in the area, objects donated by locals.