MINA Cluj Museum

Address: Orăștiei Street, no. 10, Cluj-Napoca

E-mail: [email protected]

Web: www.minamuseum.com

Schedule: Wednesday – Friday: 12:00 – 21:00,   Saturday – Sunday: 10:00-21:00


MINA, Museum of Immersive New Art is the largest immersive art center in Europe.  With an area of ​​over 4,000 square meters, indoor and outdoor, MINA offers visitors a multisensory experience through 360° projections and interactive installations.

The public can explore the universe of classical or contemporary artists, but also can travel to fascinating worlds through educational shows that reveal the mysteries of the cosmos and other hard-to-reach realms.

Dedicated to all ages, MINA Cluj offers a combination of art and technology that inspires, surprises and fascinates. Monumental projections and interactive installations for children bring to each visitor a memorable experience.

Babos Palace

Babos Palace is one of the most representative buildings of Cluj from the end of the 19th century. The palace was built in the shape of the letter V and belongs, together with the Elian, Berde and Szeki palaces, to the architectural complex that frames the Horea bridge. It was designed by the Cluj architect PÃĄkey Lajos and named after the first owner – Babos Sandor. It is a monumental building that combines elements of eclectic architecture belonging to the neo-gothic and art nouveau styles. The palace had the role of a commercial building, with various shops operating on the ground floor. Upstairs, until 1944, was the Guild of Fine Arts, under the patronage of the Reformed Church.

Clyde Town Museum

Address: Valea Radului Street, no number, Cluj-Napoca

Phone: (004) 0751-616.094

Web:  https://clydetown.ro

Schedule: Friday–Sunday: 12:00–21:00, Wednesday–Thursday can be visited by appointment in an organized group of at least 20 people

Clyde Town is organized as an open-air museum, unique in Romania, with typical old wooden buildings (store, bank, church, blacksmith shop or sheriff’s office) and cobblestone streets, recreating the atmosphere of the West Mississippi saloon era. Also, this typical american Wild West town includes a children’s playground and a fast food zone and covers an area of ​​3,000 square meters.

The monument of the BobÃĸlna Uprising

Monumentul Răscoalei de la BobÃĸlna comemorează revolta țărănească din 1437, simbol al luptei pentru dreptate și libertate.

The BobÃĸlna Uprising (1437-1438) was the most important revolt movement in the Hungary Kingdom before the peasant war led by Gheorghe Doja. On the hill near the village, which was the highest area of ​​the region, the rebels set up camp. The uprising spread throughout Transylvania, with the city of Cluj joining this movement. In the first months of 1439 the revolt was defeated, its leaders being executed in Turda. In memory of those who sacrificed themselves to defend the rights of the inhabitants of this area, a monument was built on the hill where the rebel camp was.

Iancului Cross from Mărișel

Crucea Iancului Mărișel, monument dedicat memoriei lui Avram Iancu, simbolizează rezistența și lupta pentru libertate

Iancului Cross is a monument commemorating the sacrifice of the Mărișel locals and the troops led by Avram Iancu’s tribuns in the battles of March 12 and July 6, 1849. In 1924, brothers Gavril, Ioan and Vasile Crișan built a first monument, a wooden cross , on the 100th anniversary of the Avram Iancu’s birth (1824-1872); this cross was replaced by a stone one which, during the hortyste administration, was removed and hidden in the village. After the restoration of the Romanian administration in 1944, the locals, together with the Someș battalion reservists from Beliș, built a new crucifix on the place where those two monuments were. It has become the place where, every year, the moți people from the Mărișel area are celebrating their heroes.

The Collective Memory Point from Vad

Punctul de Memorie Colectivă din Vad, un spațiu dedicat expunerii obiectelor și informațiilor istorice locale, păstrÃĸnd amintirea tradițiilor și valorilor comunității

Address: Mănăstirii Street, no. 28, Vad Commune

Schedule: Monday–Thursday: 8:00 – 15:00 pm, Friday: 8:00 – 13:00 pm, Saturday – Sunday: On demand

Phone: (004) 0766-650.312

E-mail: primă[email protected], [email protected]

Web: https://matterport.com/discover/space/JxHKc8Yi7kd

The Collective Memory Point is a cultural center that includes an exhibition of local heritage and memory prepared together with the local community, as well as educational spaces where cultural and educational activities will take place. The exhibition concept is based on the use of scenography elements that, together with the exhibited objects and multimedia devices, create a contemplative atmosphere, at the same time providing visitors with an immersive experience in the cultural and everyday reality of the Vad commune.

Through the implementation of this concept, the aim is to immortalize some customs and occupations that have disappeared or are about to disappear, such as the gathering, sheep herding, wheat wreath, traditional mowing as well as other social and religious traditions.  

The exhibition occupies the three rooms of the building, each room illustrating a main theme and several sub-themes that outline the cultural and social reality of the Cluj commune.

The first room – S1 – has the theme “Rhythms” The name of the theme highlights the presence of rhythm in all aspects of rural life, finding rhythmicity in the scythe movements, the sounds of animal bells, the knock of the mallet, the kneading of dough, the milking of animals, the beating of iron, the wood carving, the loom (a device used to weave cloth and tapestry), folk music and even the sign of the cross. Regionalisms are accentuated in the quotations displayed on the walls of the exhibition, precisely to better introduce visitors to the atmosphere of the place.  

The central room – S2 – has as its theme “The Regime of nature” and hosts works of artistic installation type by the artist Alex Mirutziu. The works are exhibited in boxes, such as light boxes, anchored in the ceiling of the hall. Along with the objects, texts belonging to the artist and relevant images are also rendered through these light boxes.

Room S3 with the theme “Between Two Worlds” captures aspects of childhood, both present and past. The theme is supported by means of seven objects donated by a total of seven children, objects representative of the children’s current concerns. Historical information related to children and childhood consists of testimonies collected from villagers and rendered through quotes and photographs.

On the porch of the building there are olfactory sensory devices that contribute to sketching the olfactory portrait of the commune. Currently, in the olfactory devices there are: incense, thyme, lucerne, smoked sausage, fried onions.

Pharmacy Museum

Imaginea prezinta intrarea Muzeului Farmaciei din Cluj-Napoca, situata intr-o cladire istorica. Muzeul gazduieste o colectie impresionanta de obiecte farmaceutice vechi

In the center of Cluj-Napoca, in the southern corner of Unirii Square, in 1954, professor Bologa from the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy founded a museum: the Pharmacy History Collection. It is under the coordination of the National History Museum of Transylvania and is located in the oldest pharmacy in Cluj, the Hintz house. The first documentary attestation of this space as a pharmacy was in 1573, the building being owned between 1863-1949 by the Hintz family of pharmacists.

In recent years, the building has undergone extensive renovation and expansion. The collection includes a number of approximately 7000 authentic objects, presenting the evolution of the pharmaceutical industry and medicine in Transylvania. The unique 18th century pharmaceutical decorations provide the background for presenting the atmosphere of a traditional pharmacy. The vast majority of the exhibits belong to the objects collection of professor Iuliu Orient (1869-1940) – old pieces of furniture from the 17th – 19th centuries, wooden vessels and prints.

The museum space faithfully reproduces the structure of a medieval Transylvanian pharmacy: the Oficina, the room where medicines were sold, the materials room for the storage of raw materials and the laboratory for the production of medicines using different technologies.

Address: Unirii Square, no. 28, Cluj-Napoca

Phone:  (004) 0741-114.389, (004) 0264-593.814

Web: www.muzeulfarmaciei.mnit.ro

E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Schedule:  Tuesday–Sunday: 10:00–18:00

BÃĄnffy Castle from Răscruci, Bonțida commune

Castelul BÃĄnffy din Răscruci reflectat ÃŽntr-un lac liniștit, ÃŽnconjurat de copaci ÃŽnalți și vegetație, ÃŽntr-un peisaj de toamnă.

The BÃĄnffy Castle in Răscruci, Bonțida commune, was built at the end of the 18th century and has been included in the list of historical monuments in Romania since 2010, being part of the heritage of the Cluj County Council. The castle was built in an eclectic neoclassical style, being surrounded by a park. The current form of the Răscruci domain is the work of Baron ÁdÃĄm BÃĄnffy.

The baron studied in Berlin, and in 1873, in Karlsbad he met some carpenters from Breinz (a Swiss region famous for its carpentry workshops), and for two months he took lessons from them. Around 1875, the baron set up a workshop in the great hall on the first floor of the Răscruci castle. Here he made the coffered ceiling of the dining room, in the style of the German Renaissance paneling, pieces of furniture, the carpentry elements in the central hall. Baron BÃĄnffy made decorative ceramic objects and two terracotta stoves with rich plastic decoration in his workshop in the castle.

The coats of arms of the old owners and the names of the most representative personalities from the history of Hungary and Transylvania are printed on the boxes in the ceiling. Above a door is carved the Latin inscription “Salus intratibus pax exeuntibus” (“Health to those who enter, peace to those who leave”). He made the wooden paneling and parquet of the hall, the neo-Renaissance furniture and, in the winter of 1878–1879, the terracotta stove with green enamel. It seems that this would have been made after the model found in the salon of Emperor Franz Josef. On the three sides of the upper part of the stove are carved scenes depicting the election of chieftain Arpad, the foundation of Hungary and the meeting at Ópusztaszer. The three outlined scenes above the girdle immortalize the loss of the 1526 Battle of MohÃĄcs by the Hungarians. It was presented in 1900 at the Paris Exhibition.

Between the years 1885–1886, were built the rooms on the upper floor, the sumptuous central hall that includes the stairs with the solid wooden railing and the skylight of the hall, with stained glass windows. In 1948, the state nationalized this castle, between 1967-2007 a special school operated here under the General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection Cluj. Through an extensive restoration process, which took place between 2021-2023, the castle was restored to its former glory. Currently, the edifice has been transformed into a cultural reference point, representative of Transylvania, also able to host cultural-artistic events.

SÃĸncraiu traditional house

aginea prezintă o casă tradițională din SÃĸncraiu, cu fațada decorată și acoperiș din șindrilă, reflectÃĸnd arhitectura specifică regiunii

In the center of the SÃĸncraiu commune is a traditional house belonging to the Hungarian community, dating back to 1870. In its rooms, three thematic exhibitions are organized meant to present the specific treasure of the area:

  • room 1: collection of painted plates and other ceramic objects;
  • room 2: wood carving workshop;
  • room 3: clean room, specific to the Land of Călata: painted plates, collection of folk costumes, bed with embroidered pillows, collection of crowns, etc.

Phone: (004) 0745-637.352

E-mail: [email protected]

Web: www.davincze.ro/ro/contact/

The traditional house – Owl Fortress

Imaginea prezintă o casă tradițională din cadrul Cetății Bufniței, caracterizată prin arhitectura sa rustică, cu acoperiș de șindrilă și verandă,

In 1870, in the Văleni village, Călățele commune, the Pandur family built a house with only one room, later known as the one-beam house. In the first decades of the 20th century the house was extended, by sticking to the east side another house which was demolished and stuck in the position where it is still found today. After 1981, the house was used by the young people of the village for meetings during the winter holidays, they named it “Bagoly VÃĄr” (Owl House). Currently, the property is owned by two Scottish citizens who founded the association – TARNAT- Kalotaszeg Durabil. A part of the house is organized as a small village museum, where workshops and meetings related to the traditional techniques of restoring old houses are organized.

Phone: (004) 0731-629.418

Facebook:  www.facebook.com/tarnatkalataszegdurabil