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o expozitie din Muzeul Satului Viișoara, care surprinde un interior tradițional românesc, cu piese de mobilier, țesături și obiecte de artizanat

Viișoara Village Museum

Address: Primăverii Street, no. 50, Viișoara

Phone: (004) 0264-327.560, (004) 0264-327.601

E-mail: [email protected] 

Schedule: Monday – Friday: prior appointment

 In the Viișoara commune, near the city of Câmpia Turzii, the local public authority set up a small museum point, inaugurated in 2016 in the building where the first Romanian school operated at the beginning of the 20th century. The heritage objects were donated by the inhabitants of the area, most of them being used in peasant households from the end of the 9th century and the beginning of the 20th century.

Starting from 2022, the museum has an ethnographic section in the Urca village, within the Cultural Home of this village.