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Muzeul Apei din Floreşti

„Leonida Truță” Water Museum

Address: Avram Iancu Street, no. 425, Floreşti

Phone: (004) 0374-340.000

E-mail: [email protected]


The entrance and visit of the Water Museum is free but it can be made only after an appointment.         

In 1992, County Autonomous Public Entity for Water – Sewerage from Cluj (the current Someş Water Company), inaugurated the first and only water museum in Romania. It was set up in the Someșului Mic meadow, on the 100th anniversary of the Cluj Water and Sewerage Company, in the building of the pumping station from the underground source put into operation in 1898. In the pavilion and in the nearby outdoor section are exposed photographs, technical plans, tubular materials attesting the history of water supply and sewerage of the Cluj-Napoca city and suggesting the path of drinking water from source to consumer and then the return of used water in nature. The museum operates under the motto “Water is Life”, and in the museum hall there is an artesian well that symbolizes this truth.