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Grupul statuar Școala Ardeleană din Cluj-Napoca, omagiu adus corifeilor care au promovat cultura și identitatea națională românească.

Transylvanian School Statuary Group

The main Romanian Enlightenment movement was promoted in Transylvania by the Romanian United Church with Rome and was called the Transylvanian School. This movement supported the Latin origin of the Romanian people and the Latinity of the Romanian language. The most important personalities of this movement were Samuil Micu, Gheorghe Åžincai and Petru Maior.

A monument dedicated to the three personalities was placed in 1973 in front of the headquarters of the “BabeÅŸ-Bolyai” University, on Mihail Kogălniceanu Street. The monument was made in bronze by the sculptor Romulus Ladea, the three personalities represented in dimensions close to the natural ones being placed on a base paved with travertine.