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Statuia lui Baba Novac din Cluj-Napoca, situată lângă Bastionul Croitorilor, onorează memoria bravului comandant al lui Mihai Viteazul.

The statue of Baba Novac

Baba Novac, one of the main commanders of Mihai Viteazul, was executed in the central square of Cluj. His impaled body was publicly displayed near the city wall, in the place where today is the Tailors’ Bastion and which, at that time, was one of the entrance gates to the city. After the victory at Gurăslău (August 3, 1601) Mihai Viteazul hoisted a flag on that place in honor of his commander. In the interwar period, in 1936 a crucifix was built on that place, and since 1975, we find a statue of Baba Novac, the work of the sculptor Virgil Fulicea.