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Ruinele Cetății Liteni se înalță pe vârful dealului, înconjurate de verdeață, amintind de vremurile de glorie ale Transilvaniei

Liteni Fortress

Liteni Fortress (Geczy Fortress, Lita Fortress, Gelu Fortress) is a medieval fortress built 3 km south-west of Liteni village on a cliff above the Iara Valley. It is documentary attested since 1324 under the name of “CastrumLeta”. It was a royal fortress, having an important military role in the area. This “secret capital” of Transylvania controlled together with the Colțești Fortress (Rimetea commune, Alba county), the Gilău Castle and the Bologa Fortress (Cluj county), one of the main route of the Salt Road, the salt, representing for thousands of years, the true gold of Transylvania.

The elliptical shape fortress had several owners, among which the most important were Sigismund of Luxembourg, Ladislau Kán and Ioan de Hunedoara. In 1562, during a siege, it was severely damaged due to the explosion of the underground powder storage. In 1569 the ruins and related forests in the vicinity were given to Geczy Janos who made the fortress habitable again, his descendants living here until the second half of the 17th century.

The fortress was destroyed during the Curuți liberation battles, led by prince Francisc Rákóczi II at the beginning of the 18th century.

At present the fortress is a ruin, it can be visited, access is not restricted.