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Pajiste verde intinsa din Rezervatia Naturala Zoologica Valea Legiilor, cu dealuri line si vegetatie variata, intr-un peisaj natural linistit si deschis

„Valley of the Legions” Zoological Nature Reserve

The natural area is located in the eastern extremity of Cluj county, in the western part of Geaca village and the eastern part of Legii village, being an avifauna type reservation.

The protected area is represented by areas with wet meadows, water gloss and swamps, meeting plants such as reeds and rushes; and includes the southern end of the Law Valley, the Law Lake, the Law Valley, the Mill Valley and the western part of Geaca Lake.

In the area of ​​the reservation of over 120 hectares, nest several species of migratory birds, among which: egret, grey heron, pond owl (Botaurus stellaris), wagtail, pond hen, coot and several species of ducks.