Cluj Hayfields represents an area of ​​botanical and faunal interest near the city of Cluj-Napoca, on both sides of the Hayfield Valley. It is among the first protected areas in Romania, since 1932.
The surface of the Cluj Hayfields reservation is approximately 75-80 hectares and is divided into two parts known as Copârșaie and Craiu Valley. In the Copârșaie area (hungarian name meaning coffin) there are some atypical mounds of earth, called glimee. The largest is about 400 meters long and 35 meters high. These are the result of landslides and erosion.
The novelty of the area is given by the steppe vegetation, similar to the Asian and Eastern European vegetation. The floristic variety is supported by the very rough relief and the local microclimatic peculiarities, with several temporary ponds where various reptiles species have their home, such as the common newt, the crested newt, the frog, the green toad, the house snake. Also here are some rare species of butterflies, protected at European level.
The steppe vegetation is dominated by associations of colilia, bluegrass, fescue, bearded, bromus. The botanical relicts that bring the fame of  Cluj Hayfields are numerous: the tendril, the Transylvanian steppe iris, the Cossack, the steppe pesma, the steppe toad. Among the plant species protected at European level we find the little finger, the jaundice, the snake’s head, the hodolean.