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Lacul Beliș Fântânele, un lac de acumulare cu ape adânci și clare, este înconjurat de păduri de conifere, oferind un peisaj montan spectaculos.

Beliş – Fântânele Lake

Beliş – Fântânele lake goes into the category of artificial accumulation lakes, being located at the confluence between Gilău Mountains (East), Vlădeasa Mountains (West) and Muntele Mare (South), Cluj County. It has an area of ​​9.8 square km and a length of 13 km, being located at an altitude of 990 m. The main purpose of the lake structure is the electricity production, this dam providing the necessary flow to the hydroelectric power station in Marisel.

Between 1970 – 1974, the villages located on the Someşul Cald valley were displaced, people being forced to leave their households. During dry summers, when the flow of the lake is very low, you can see the ruins of the Giurcuţa de Jos church.

Currently, on the shore of the lake is the tourist resort Beliș-Fântânele.