Indirizzo: Villaggio Mera, Commune Baciu
Telefono: (004) 0727-492.819
The traditional activity of the Mera village, Baciu commune, inhabitants was animal husbandry, mostly buffalo breeding, at the end of the 19th century in this area being registered among the largest buffalo herds in the Transylvanian area. At the initiative of the former director of this village school, Varga Gyorgy, in 2009, a Buffalo Museum was inaugurated in one of the buildings that belonged to the village educational unit. In this museum are exhibited 1000 objects related to the breeding and exploitation of this animal: carriages, sleds, yokes, harnesses, forks, rakes, cowbells, milk collection and processing pots. In the museum collection are exhibited photographs, documents and maps proving the antiquity of this activity in the region.