Parcul Etnografic Naţional „Romulus Vuia”
The theme of the route: the discovery of places of worship built in wood by the ancestors and painted with divine grace and skill.

        Religion was once represented by small places dedicated to God. Although today we have borrowed a grand style of building that soars to the sky, our ancestors once found it appropriate to erect small places of prayer.

         They were built in a distinctive Transylvanian style, with a soulful imprint that could be read in the carefully carved wooden models. The wooden churches are still today an oasis of peace for the faithful. They represent a place where faith is humble and sincere, a place where every visitor can merge with the work of the architect and where the simplicity of the past still lives on inside, and where the icons, on which the shadows of the past were cast, are still as vivid as they were in the beginning.


Description of the sights on the Wooden Churches Route:

    1. Church of Saint Nicholas in Cizer Cluj-Napoca
    2. Church “Saints Archangels“, Sânpaul, Sumurducu
    3. Church ” Saints Archangels “ Straja, Căpuș
    4. Church ”Holy Trinity“ Agârbiciu, Căpuș
    5. Church ’’Ascension of the Lord“ Bica, Mănăstireni
    6. Church ’’Saints Archangels“ Finișel, Săvădisla
    7. Church of the „Virgin Paraskeva“ Stolna, Săvădisla
    8. Church ” Saints Archangels “ Pădureni, Ciurila
    9. Church ”Saint Dumitru“ Țaga, Sântjude
    10. Church ” Saints Archangels “ Sic
    11. Church ” The Assumption of the Mother of God „, Fizeșu Gherlii, Nicula
    12. Church ” Saints Archangels “ Vad, Câlna
    13. Church ’’ Saints Archangels “ Chiuiești, Strâmbu
Total length of the route: 425 km


Church „Saint Nicholas“ in Cizer – visiting time 30 minutes

Distance Cluj-Napoca – Sumurducu: 30 km, 45 minutes


Sumurducu village, Sânpaul commune

Church “ Saints Archangels “ – visiting time 30 minutes

Distance Sumurducu – Straja: 30 km, 40 minutes

Straja village, Căpușu Mare commune

Church “ Saints Archangels “ – visiting time 30 minutes

Walking distance Straja – Agârbiciu: 10 km, 15 minutes


Village Agârbiciu, commune Căpușu Mare

Church „Holy Trinity“ – visiting time 30 minutes

Distance Agârbiciu – Bica: 25 km, 30 minutes


Village Bica, commune Mănăstireni

Church „Ascension of the Lord“ – visiting time 30 minutes

Distance Bica – Finișel: 50 km, 60 minutes


Village Finișel, commune Săvădisla

Church „Saints Archangels“ – visiting time 30 minutes

Walking distance Finișel – Stolna: 10 km, 15 minutes


Village Stolna, commune Săvădisla

Church of the „Virgin Paraskeva“ – visiting time 30 minutes

Walking distance Stolna – Pădureni: 35 km, 50 minutes


Village Pădureni, commune Ciurila

Church “ Saints Archangels “ – visiting time 30 minutes

Distance Pădureni – Sântejude: 90 km, 100 minutes


Village Sântejude, commune Țaga

Church „St. Dumitru“ – visiting time 30 minutes

Distance Sântejude – Sic: 30 km, 30 minutes


Village Sic, commune Sic

Church „Saints Archangels“ – visiting time 30 minutes

Distance Sic – Nicula: 15 km, 20 minutes


Nicula village, Fizeșu Gherlii commune

Church „The Assumption of the Mother of God“ – visiting time 30 minutes

Distance Nicula – Câlna: 50 km, 60 minutes


Village Câlna, commune Vad

Church “ Saints Archangels “ – visiting time 30 minutes

Driving distance Câlna – Strâmbu: 50 km, 60 minutes


Village Strâmbu, commune Chiuiești

Church “ Saints Archangels “ – visiting time 30 minutes


 Total duration of the route: 15 hours and 15 minutes
Transport: car


Transit localities: Cluj-Napoca, Baciu, Sânpaul, Gârbău, Căpușu Mare, Râșca, Mănăstireni, Săvădisla, Ciurila, Apahida, Căianu, Țaga, Fizeșu Gherlii, Sic, Gherla, Dej, Vad, Chiuiești


Accommodation and food: for detailed information, go to the Accommodation section and the Leisure – Restaurants section.


Leisure possibilities:
    • Transilvania Golf Club – Sânpaul
    • DSLW – Bike Rental & Tours – Mărișel
    • Gecko Parc (amusement park) – Ciurila
    • Spa Center „Domeniul Regilor“ – Ciurila
    • Leisure park „Windmill“ (mini zoo) – Ciurila
    • „Napoca Sport Horse“ Riding Center – Ciurila
Tourist Information Centres: for detailed information, go to Useful Information – Tourist Information Centres.