Clujul ecumenic se remarcă prin monumente istorice impunătoare, reflectând diversitatea și patrimoniul spiritual al orașului
Theme of the route: visiting emblematic places of worship belonging to different religious denominations.  

          Cluj is an area where every denomination has found a beautiful place to build its places of worship, buildings that today have become historical monuments.  If in the 1200s only Roman Catholic places of worship were built, such as the emblematic Church of St. Michael, which had the support of the King of Anjou, over time each religious faith began to find its own little corner.

          Although we’re talking about a city characterized by noise and large-scale events, the route that points out the places of worship in the county transports you to a dimension totally atypical of urban bustle. From historic monument churches whose wooden construction takes you back to times long gone, to new churches inside which you can still smell the scent of recently completed frescoes.

            The ecumenical journey comes with a wealth of information, of history, because every nation that once settled in these lands left a building dedicated to its protectors. From architectural masterpieces to small wooden churches, the whole route takes you back to a time when religion was a subject that united people in Transylvanian communities.


Description of the sights on the Ecumenical Cluj route:


    1. Franciscan Monastery Church
    2. Roman Catholic Church «St. Michael»
    3. Bob Church
    4. Piarist Church
    5. Reformed – Calvinist Cathedral
    6. Greek Catholic Cathedral
    7. Lutheran Cathedral
    8. Unitarian Cathedral
    9. Orthodox Metropolitan Cathedral
    10. Neolog Synagogue
    11. Roman Catholic Church «Calvaria»


    1. Church of St. Pious Paraschiva


    1. Calvinian Reformed Church Turda Veche
    2. Roman Catholic Church «St. Mary»
    3. Church of the «Rățeștilor»
    4. Church «St. Archangels Michael and Gabriel»

Fizeșu Gherlii

    1. Nicula Monastery


    1. Armenian-Catholic Cathedral


    1. Synagogue
    2. Calvin Reformed Church


    1. Vad Monastery
Total route length: 155 km


Franciscan Monastery Church, St. Michael Roman Catholic Church, St. John Bob Greek Catholic Church, Piarist Roman Catholic Church, Reformed-Calvary Cathedral, Orthodox Cathedral, Greek Catholic Cathedral, Unitarian Cathedral, Lutheran Cathedral, Neolog Synagogue, Calvary Roman Catholic Church – visiting time 360 minutes

Walking distance Cluj-Napoca – Feleacu: 10 km, 20 minutes


Orthodox Church of St. Cuvioasă Paraschiva – visiting time 30 minutes

Walking distance Feleacu – Turda: 25 km, 30 minutes


Old Turda Reformed Calvinist Church, St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church, Orthodox Church of the Rățeștilor, Orthodox Church of St. Archangels Michael and Gabriel – visiting time 90 minutes

Driving distance Turda – Fizeșu Gherlii: 80 km, 100 minutes

Fizeșu Gherlii, Nicula village

Orthodox Monastery of the Assumption of the Mother of God – visiting time 30 minutes

Walking distance Nicula – Gherla: 10 km, 15 minutes


Armenian-Catholic Cathedral – visiting time 30 minutes

Walking distance Gherla – Dej: 15 km, 20 minutes


Synagogue, Reformed Calvinist Church – visiting time 50 minutes

Driving distance Dej – Vad: 15 km, 20 minutes


Orthodox Monastery of St. Stefan Voda – visiting time 30 minutes

Total route time: 13 hours 45 minutes


Transport: car


Transit localities: Cluj-Napoca, Feleacu, Tureni, Turda, Apahida, Jucu, Bonțida, Gherla, Fizeșu Gherlii, Dej, Cășeiu, Vad


Accommodation and food: More information can be found in the Accommodation section and in the Leisure – restaurants section.


Leisure possibilities
  • Adrenalin Park (amusement park) – Feleacu
  • Fun Park Cluj (amusement park) – Feleacu
  • Potaissa Spa & Wellness (spa) – Turda
  • Băile Sărate Turda
  • Salina Turda
  • Toroc Spa Park – Dej


Tourist Information Centres: More information can be found in the Useful Information section – Tourist Information Centres.