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Manastirea Inaltarea Sfintei Cruci Casiel, o cladire de mari dimensiuni cu domuri rosii, situata intr-o zona verde si linistita.

“The Ascension of the Holy Cross” Monastery of Căşiel

Approximately 25 km from Dej, on the road that connects the Someș Valley and the Lăpuș Country, on the Cășielului Valley, an Orthodox monastery dating from the 18th century was attested. According to the documents from the archive, Solnoc-Dăbâca is the second Orthodox monastery in this area and the only one whose exact data on its establishment are known. The Ascension of the Holy Cross Monastery was founded in 1765 by Pahomie (Filip) Georgiu. Inside this monastery there was also a school for children from neighboring villages. Between 1856 and 1956, the monastery had only the role of a village church, so that between 1956-1959 it returned to the status of monastery.

Following decree 410 of 1959, the monastery was abolished until 1991, when, in the new historical context, the monastery was re-established. The most important legacy preserved from the glory days of the old monastery is the wooden church dating from the 18th century. The church is considered one of the important monuments of Romanian architecture in the Transylvanian area due to the way it was built: oak beams joined in the swallowtail technique placed on a stone foundation.


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